"Why is this not working ?!!"
What ?
Well, I copy the document ID link (copy shortcut) and use this shortcut to create a link in a PDF document, but when I click on it, SharePoint (2010) gives me an overview of the properties, not showing me the image !
Ok, I'll look at it..
Turns out that the document ID retrieval page (/_layouts/DocIdRedir.aspx?ID=XXXXXX) is working for PDF or Office documents but a simple JPG file is not being shown. In stead, it shows the properties of the jpg file. So this:
And not this:
How to fix this ?
The document ID retrieval mechanism is connected to the enterprise search configuration.
To fix this issue, (and other document types that have the same behavior), go to your Central Admin -> Search Service Application Properties -> File Types configuration.
Make sure that the file type you are trying to display is registered in this list.
As a next step, you will need to clear your search index "Index Reset" link on same location in Central Admin. And execute a full crawl.
Immediatly after the full crawl I tried again, unfortunately it still wasn't working. But after an aditional hour of googling I tried again, this time it worked ! (Maybe the crawl said it was finished but it actually wasn't yet !).
Problemo Solved.
Because there is not much info on this out there, I decided to create a blog-post.
Thanks to this site for pointing me in the right direction !